Construction Management 2017-04-15 14:15

Construction Management Major Self-evaluattion Meeting was held in SJZU.

Dec 21,2016, Construction Management Major of school of management Self-evaluattion Meeting was held in SJZU.According the requirement of the Ministry of Education, management sceience and engineering degree awarding school qualification self-evaluation meeting was hosted by dean Kong fanwen from SJZU school of management. President Mr. Shitiemao, vice president Ms. Da kening attended the meeting. Experts group members are: Prof. Hu xiangpei from DUI, prof. Liu yisheng from Beingjing Transportation University, prof.Tang jiafu from Northeast Financial University, prof. Ye qiang from Harbin Institute of Technology, prof. Li kai from Northeast University, prof. Li zhongfu from DUT and prof. Zhang qingshan from Shenyang Industry Univeristy.

The evaluation meeting futher clarified the characters and the strenghness of the management sceince and engineering major, and many problems and shortcomes were found. It is beneficial for the major improvment in the future.
